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  • Heiligen: Archdeacon Stefan
  • Heiligen: Hl.Alexander Nevski
  • Heiligen: Hl.Panteleimonos

Icon - Aleksandar Nevski

Icon - St.Panteleimon

Icon - St.Panteleimon

Icon - St.Panteleimon

Icon - St.Panteleimon

Icon - St.Panteleimon

Icon - St.Panteleimon

Ikone - Erzdiakon Stefan

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Necklace - St.Panteleimon

Necklace - St.Panteleimon

Necklace - St.Panteleimon

Necklace - St.Panteleimon

Triptych - St.Panteleimon

Triptych - St.Panteleimon