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  • Kloster: Hilandar
  • Kloster: St.Pantel.
  • Kloster: St.Paul
  • Kloster: Yasi

Belt – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Belt – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Belt clip – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Belt clip – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Bottle opener - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Bottle opener - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos



Diptych Icon - Saint Parascheva and Jesus

Српски језик

Овај материјал који сачињава 7 DVD-a, 14 сати уникатног и аутентичног аудио и видео записа,
плод је четрдесетогодишњег ходочашћа по целој Светој Гори.
Седам седмица Васкршњег Поста, разговори са Игуманима, Старцима, Монасима...

Icon - Saint Parascheva

Icon - Saint Parascheva

Icon - Simeon mirotočivi

Ikone - Hl.Parascheva

Ikone - Hl.Sava

Incense box – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Incense box – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Incense box – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Incense box – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Badge - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Badge - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table ornaments – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Schlüsselanhänger – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Schlüsselanhänger – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Schlüsselanhänger – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Schlüsselanhänger – Kakovo (serbian)

Schlüsselanhänger – Kakovo (serbian)

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Schlüsselanhänger – Hilandariou monastery (serbian) - Mount Athos

Schlüsselanhänger – Hilandariou monastery (serbian) - Mount Athos

Schlüsselanhänger – Saint Paul monastery - Mount Athos

Schlüsselanhänger – Saint Paul monastery - Mount Athos

Schlüsselanhänger – Saint Paul monastery - Mount Athos

Schlüsselanhänger – St. Panteleimonos monastery (russian) - Mount Athos

Schlüsselanhänger – St. Panteleimonos monastery (russian) - Mount Athos

Schlüsselanhänger – St. Panteleimonos - Mount Athos

Jubilee 1000 years - 1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Schlüsselanhänger – St. Panteleimonos monastery (russian) - Mount Athos

Schlüsselanhänger – St. Panteleimonos - Mount Athos

Jubilee 1000 years - 1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Necklace - Saint Parascheva

Necklace - St.Panteleimon

Necklace - St.Panteleimon

Necklace - St.Panteleimon

Necklace - St.Panteleimon

Necklace – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table ornaments – Pencil for table - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table ornaments – Pencil for table - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Plaque – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Plaque – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Plaque – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Plaque – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Plaque – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Plaque – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Shutter - Jubilee 1000 years

Shutter - Jubilee 1000 years

Shutter - Russian Coat of arms

Sweatshirt "SWC-280" by KEYA

Jubilee 1000 years - GOLD - Embroidery

1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

T-shirt "MONARCH" by SOL's

Jubilee 1000 years - GOLD - Embroidery

1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

T-shirt "MONARCH" by SOL's

Jubilee 1000 years - GOLD - Embroidery

1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

T-shirt "REGENT" by SOL's

Jubilee 1000 years - GOLD - Embroidery

1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

T-shirt "REGENT" by SOL's

Jubilee 1000 years - GOLD - Embroidery

1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos


Triptych Icon - Saint Parascheva

Triptych - St.Panteleimon

Triptych - St.Panteleimon

Triptych Icon - Trojeručica

Triptych Icon - Trojeručica

Русский  язык

Боготечней звезде подобна явися икона Твоя, Богородительнице,
по воли Твоей святей на осля поставленная и отпущенная из Сербии:
осляти, никимже водиму, принесеся им на Гору Афонскую ко вратом обители Хиландарския,
юже яко дар небесный восприимше иноцы, поставиша в алтаре
соборныя церкве обители, зовуще во умилении глубоцем благих Подателю Богу: Аллилуиа.

Српски језик

"Тројеручица у Солуну" је 75-минутна репортажа о Пресветој Богородици Тројеручици,
у самом манастиру, житије до арсане, пловидба бродом и њен боравак у Солуну,
где је преко 2 милиона људи хрлило да је уживо виде.