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  • €29.00 - €148.00

Active filters

  • Model: Backpack
  • Model: DVD-Double
  • Model: Icons
  • Model: Incense box
  • Model: Magnet
  • Model: Rain Jacket
  • Model: Skull Cap/Hat
  • Model: Table ornament
  • Model: Vest

Backpack "EXPRESS" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Backpack "EXPRESS" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Romanian - GOLD - Embroidery


Backpack "URBAN" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Backpack "URBAN" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Romanian - GOLD - Embroidery


Diptych Icon - Saint Parascheva and Jesus

Fleece vest "NORWAY" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Icon - Agia Skepi

Icon - Aleksandar Nevski

Icon - Archdeacon Stefan

Icon - Archdeacon Stefan

Icon - Archdeacon Stefan

Icon - Archdeacon Stefan

Icon - Archdeacon Stefan

Icon - Archdeacon Stefan

Icon - Athonitisa

Icon - Athonitisa

Icon - Athonitisa

Icon - Athonitisa

Icon - Athonitisa

Icon - Athonitisa

Icon - Blessed Matronа

Icon - Blessed Matronа

Icon - Blessed Matronа

Icon - Blessed Matronа

Icon - Blessed Matronа

Icon - Blessed Matronа

Icon - Bogorodica kurska

Icon - Bogorodica kurska

Icon - Bogorodica kurska

Icon - Bogorodica kurska

Icon - Bogorodica pećka

Icon - Bogorodica pećka

Icon - Bogorodica pećka

Icon - Bogorodica pećka

Icon - Bogorodica pećka

Icon - Bogorodica pećka

Icon - Gorgoepikos

Icon - Gorgoepikos

Icon - Gorgoepikos

Icon - Gorgoepikos

Icon - Gorgoepikos

Icon - Gorgoepikos

Icon - Jesus Christ

Icon - Jesus Christ

Icon - Jesus Christ

Icon - Jesus Christ

Icon - Jesus Christ

Icon - Jesus Christ

Icon - Jesus Christ

Icon - Jesus Christ

Icon - Jesus Christ with sword

Icon - Jesus Christ with sword

Icon - Jesus Christ with sword

Icon - Jesus Christ with sword

Icon - Kazan

Icon - Kazan

Icon - Kazan

Icon - Kazan

Icon - Kazan

Icon - Maica Tanguirea

Icon - Pantanassa

Icon - Pantanassa

Icon - Pantanassa

Icon - Pantanassa

Icon - Patriarch Pavle

Icon - Patriarch Pavle

Icon - Patriarch Pavle

Icon - Patriarch Pavle

Icon - Počajevska

Icon - Počajevska

Icon - Portaitissa

Icon - Portaitissa

Icon - Portaitissa

Icon - Saint Nicholas

Icon - Saint Parascheva

Icon - Saint Parascheva

Icon - Simeon mirotočivi

Icon - St.Andrew

Icon - St.Andrew

Icon - St.Andrew

Icon - St.Andrew

Icon - Saint Archangel Michael

Icon - Saint Archangel Michael

Icon - Saint Archangel Michael

Icon - Saint Archangel Michael

Icon - Saint Archangel Michael

Icon - Saint Archangel Michael

Icon - St.Basil Ostrog

Icon - St.Basil Ostrog

Icon - St.Basil Ostrog

Icon - St.Basil Ostrog

Icon - St.Basil Ostrog

Icon - St.Basil Ostrog

Icon - St.Bishop Nikolaj

Icon - St.Bishop Nikolaj

Icon - St.Bishop Nikolaj

Icon - Saint Demetrius

Icon - Saint Demetrius

Icon - Saint Demetrius

Icon - Saint Demetrius

Icon - Saint Demetrius

Icon - Saint Demetrius

Icon - St.Eliah

Icon - St.Eliah

Icon - St.Eliah

Icon - St.Eliah

Icon - St.Eliah

Icon - St.Eliah

Icon - St.George

Icon - St.George

Icon - St.George

Icon - St.George

Icon - St.George

Icon - St.George

Icon - St.George

Icon - Saint John

Icon - Saint John

Icon - Saint John

Icon - Saint John

Icon - Saint John

Icon - Saint John

Icon - St.Justin philosopher

Icon - St.Justin philosopher

Icon - St.Justin philosopher

Icon - St.Justin philosopher

Icon - St.King Stefan dečanski

Icon - St.Loukas

Icon - St.Loukas

Icon - St.Loukas

Icon - St.Loukas

Icon - St.Loukas

Icon - St.Loukas

Icon - St.Mardarios

Icon - St.Mardarios

Icon - St.Mardarios

Icon - St.Mardarios

Icon - St.Mardarios

Icon - St.Mardarios

Icon - St.Nektarios

Icon - St.Nektarios

Icon - St.Nektarios

Icon - St.Nektarios

Icon - St.Nektarios

Icon - St.Nektarios

Icon - St.Nektarios

Icon - Saint Nicholas

Icon - Saint Nicholas

Icon - Saint Nicholas

Icon - Saint Nicholas

Icon - Saint Nicholas

Icon - Saint Nicholas

Icon - St.Panteleimon

Icon - St.Panteleimon

Icon - St.Panteleimon

Icon - St.Panteleimon

Icon - St.Panteleimon

Icon - St.Panteleimon

Icon - St.Panteleimon

Icon - St.Panteleimon

Icon - St.Panteleimon

Icon - St.Panteleimon

Icon - Saint Parascheva

Icon - Saint Parascheva

Icon - Saint Parascheva

Icon - Saint Parascheva

Icon - Saint Parascheva

Icon - Saint Parascheva

Icon - St.Peter of Cetinje

Icon - St.Peter of Cetinje

Icon - St.Peter of Cetinje

Icon - St.Peter of Cetinje

Icon - St.Sava

Icon - St.Sava

Icon - St.Sava

Icon - St.Seraphim of Sarof

Icon - St.Seraphim of Sarof

Icon - St.Seraphim of Sarof

Icon - St.Seraphim of Sarof

Icon - St.Spyridon

Icon - St.Spyridon

Icon - St.Spyridon

Icon - St.Spyridon

Icon - St.Spyridon

Icon - St.Spyridon

Icon - St.Spyridon

Icon - St.Spyridon

Icon - St.Spyridon

Icon - St.Thomas

Icon - St.Thomas

Icon - St.Thomas

Icon - St.Thomas

Icon - St.Thomas

Icon - St.Tsar Lazar of Serbia

Icon - St.Tsar Lazar of Serbia

Icon - St.Tsar Lazar of Serbia

Icon - St.Tsar Lazar of Serbia

Icon - The seven-pointed icon

Icon - The seven-pointed icon

Icon - The seven-pointed icon

Icon - The seven-pointed icon

Icon - Trojeručica

Icon - Trojeručica

Icon - Trojeručica

Icon - Umiljenije

Icon - Umiljenije

Icon - Umiljenije

Icon - Umiljenije

Icon - Umiljenije

Icon - Umiljenije

Icon - Unexplained glass

Icon Mono - Athonitisa

Icon Mono - Umiljenije

Incense box – Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Incense box – Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Incense box – Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Incense box – Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Incense box – Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Incense box – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Incense box – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Incense box – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Incense box – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table ornaments – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table ornaments – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table ornaments – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table ornaments – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table ornaments – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Magnet - Athonitisa

Magnet – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

 Το υλικό αυτό είναι αποτέλεσμα μιας μακρόχρονης εργασίας...
 This material has resulted from years of work...
 Данный материал является результатом многолетней работы...
 Този материал е продукт на дългогодишна труд...
 Acest material este rezultatul a mai multi ani de muncă...
 Овај материјал је резултат вишегодишњег рада...
 Dieses Material ist das Ergebnis langјähriger Arbeit...
 Ce matériel est le résultat de nombreuses années de travail...

Този материал е продукт на дългогодишна труд. Посредством една интересна история в комбинация
с автентични видео кадри ще научите найважните детайли за всички 20 манастира, скитове,
град Карея и за живота на монасите в тях.

Acest material este rezultatul a mai multi ani de muncă. Alături de o poveste interesantă,
urmată de un original film video, veţi afla ce este mai interesant despre fiecare din cele 20 de mănăstiri,
schituri, Karyes si despre viaţa de călugăr in aceste mănăstiri.

Данный материал является результатом многолетней работы.
Из интересного рассказа, сопровождаемого оригинальными видеозаписями,
вы узнаете самое важное о каждом из 20 монастырей,
о скитах, Карее и жизни монахов в них.

Овај материјал је резултат вишегодишњег рада. Уз интересантну причу праћену
оригиналним видео снимцима, сазнаћете најважније о сваком од 20 манастира,
Кареји и скитовима, као и о монашком животу у њима.

Rain Jacket "SURF" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Skull cap "DAPHNE"

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Skull cap "ICXS-NIKA"

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Skull cap ""SERPICO 55" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Skull cap "STORM 862" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Table ornaments -  Počajevska

Table ornaments - Saint Parascheva

Table cross – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table cross – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table cross – Cherry tree

Table cross – Walnut tree

Table ornaments

Table ornaments – 4 flags

Table ornaments – 4 flags

Vest "105" by JHK

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Vest "VIPER" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery