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  • Model: Backpack
  • Model: Bags
  • Model: Bell
  • Model: Belt
  • Model: Book
  • Model: CD-Double
  • Model: DVD-Sigle
  • Model: Incense box
  • Model: Leather tube
  • Model: Magnet
  • Model: Medal
  • Model: Pectoral
  • Model: Pens
  • Model: Plaque
  • Model: Polo shirt
  • Model: Rain Jacket
  • Model: Skull Cap/Hat
  • Model: Sweatshirt
  • Model: T-Shirt
  • Model: Table ornament
  • Model: Vest
  • Model: Wallet
  • Model: Winter Jacket


Русский язык

Как подняться на Афон

Српски језик
Водич о томе, како се попети на Свету планину Атос.

Backpack "EXPRESS" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Backpack "EXPRESS" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Romanian - GOLD - Embroidery


Backpack "URBAN" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Backpack "URBAN" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Romanian - GOLD - Embroidery


Bell for table – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Bell for table – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Bell for table – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Leather Belt - Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Leather Belt - Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Leather Belt - Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Leather Belt - Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Belt – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Belt – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Belt – St.George

 Serbian language

By: Dragoslav Batica Savic

325 pages

Српски језик

У овој српској трилогији, првог светског рата. која садржи 2 диска, на, надамо се,
најбољи начин дочарава патњу, победе, јунаштво, поразе и губитке
српског народа и војске у периоду од 1914 - 1918. године.

Велика жеља аутора, за живота, је била да све српско пропаћено,
остане навек упамћено.




 Serbian language

By: Dragoslav Batica Savic

359 pages


Када у Молитви за упокојене. кажем: "Сети се, Господе... и моје миле мајке Љубице и Благочeстивог
Старца Никанора, Проигумана Хиландара..." обиље суза.
Јер, мајка ме је телесно родила, Старац духовно препородио.
Недостају ми њена доброта и племенитост, а његова смиреност и благост.

Fleece vest "NORWAY" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


 Serbian language

By: Dragoslav Batica Savic

56 pages


По упутству самога Господа Бога Живога, по Његовом Божанском Промислу, на полуострво Атос
приспела је бродом, заједно са Светим Апостолом Јованом.
Пресвета Богородица да проповеда о животу, страдању и васкрсењу Сина свога
и Бога нашега Исуса Христа.

 Serbian language

By: Dragoslav Batica Savic

247 pages

Све је заправо, почело године 1990 када сам, са благословом Велике Српске Царске Лавре,
манастира Хиландара, на Светој Гори Атонској, штампао књижицу под називом -
"Хиландарска трпеза, предања и обичаји".

Стигло је, затим писмо Оца Василија, у којем кратко каже:

Incense box – Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Incense box – Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Incense box – Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Incense box – Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Incense box – Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Incense box – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Incense box – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Incense box – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Incense box – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table ornaments – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table ornaments – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table ornaments – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table ornaments – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table ornaments – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Small Bag

Leather tube - Byzantine Coat of arms

Leather tube - Russian Coat of arms

Magnet - Athonitisa

Magnet – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Leather wallet - Mount Athos

Leather wallet - Mount Athos

Leather wallet - Mount Athos

Leather wallet - Mount Athos

Leather wallet - Mount Athos

Orthodox cross

Pectoral cross

Pectoral cross

Pectoral cross

Pectoral cross

Pectoral cross

Pectoral cross

Pectoral cross

Pectoral cross

Table ornaments – Pencil for table

Table ornaments – Pencil for table

Table ornaments – Pencil for table - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table ornaments – Pencil for table - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos



Plaque – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Plaque – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Plaque – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Plaque – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Plaque – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Plaque – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos


Mount Athos - Greek - White - Embroidery


Polo-Shirt "GATOR" by EXPLODE

Hands down from Greece - Embroidery


Mount Athos - Greek - White - Embroidery


Polo-Shirt "PERFECT LSL" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Polo-Shirt "PRESCOTT" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Polo-Shirt "RUGBY" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Polo-Shirt "STAR" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Polo-Shirt "SUMMER-II" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


 Serbian language

By: Dragoslav Batica Savic

325 pages

Rain Jacket "SURF" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Skull cap "DAPHNE"

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Skull cap "ICXS-NIKA"

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Skull cap ""SERPICO 55" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Skull cap "STORM 862" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Spring Jacket "OXFORD" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Sweatshirt "KARYES" by KEYA

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Sweatshirt "SWC-280" by KEYA

Jubilee 1000 years - GOLD - Embroidery

1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Sweatshirt "SWC-280" by KEYA

Mount Athos - Romanian - GOLD - Embroidery

T-shirt "MONARCH" by SOL's

Jubilee 1000 years - GOLD - Embroidery

1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

T-shirt "MONARCH" by SOL's

Jubilee 1000 years - GOLD - Embroidery

1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

T-shirt "MONARCH" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


T-Shirt "MONARCH" by SOL's

Orthodoxy or Death-Embroidery-greek language

T-Shirt "MONARCH" by SOL's

Orthodoxy or Death-Embroidery-Russian language

T-Shirt "MONARCH" by SOL's

Orthodoxy or Death-Embroidery-Serbian language

T-shirt "REGENT" by SOL's

Hands down from Greece - Embroidery

T-shirt "REGENT" by SOL's

Jubilee 1000 years - GOLD - Embroidery

1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

T-shirt "REGENT" by SOL's

Jubilee 1000 years - GOLD - Embroidery

1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos


T-shirt "REGENT" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - White - Embroidery


T-shirt "REGENT" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - BROWN - Print


T-shirt "REGENT" by SOL's

Orthodoxy or Death-Embroidery-greek language

T-shirt "REGENT" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Romanian - GOLD - Embroidery


T-shirt "REGENT" by SOL's

Orthodoxy or Death-Embroidery-Russian language

T-shirt "REGENT" by SOL's

Orthodoxy or Death-Embroidery-Serbian language

T-shirt "REGENT" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Table ornaments -  Počajevska

Table ornaments - Saint Parascheva

Table cross – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table cross – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table cross – Cherry tree

Table cross – Walnut tree

Table ornaments

Table ornaments – 4 flags

Table ornaments – 4 flags

Русский  язык

Боготечней звезде подобна явися икона Твоя, Богородительнице,
по воли Твоей святей на осля поставленная и отпущенная из Сербии:
осляти, никимже водиму, принесеся им на Гору Афонскую ко вратом обители Хиландарския,
юже яко дар небесный восприимше иноцы, поставиша в алтаре
соборныя церкве обители, зовуще во умилении глубоцем благих Подателю Богу: Аллилуиа.

Српски језик

"Тројеручица у Солуну" је 75-минутна репортажа о Пресветој Богородици Тројеручици,
у самом манастиру, житије до арсане, пловидба бродом и њен боравак у Солуну,
где је преко 2 милиона људи хрлило да је уживо виде.

Vest "105" by JHK

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Vest "VIPER" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Vest "105" by JHK

Mount Athos - Romanian - GOLD - Embroidery


Vest-Reporter "108" by JHK

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Vest-Reporter "108" by JHK

Orthodoxy or Death-Embroidery-greek language

Vest-Gileko "WILD" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Winter Jacket "ROBYN" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery