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Active filters

  • Model: Backpack
  • Model: Badges
  • Model: Bags
  • Model: Belt
  • Model: Belt clip
  • Model: CD-Double
  • Model: Cross
  • Model: DVD-Complete
  • Model: For wine
  • Model: Icons Triptych
  • Model: Incense box
  • Model: Leather tube
  • Model: Magnet
  • Model: Medal
  • Model: Pectoral
  • Model: Plaque
  • Model: Shutter
  • Model: Skull Cap/Hat
  • Model: Sweatshirt
  • Model: Table ornament
  • Model: Vest
  • Model: Virtual
  • Model: Winter Jacket

Badge - 4 flags

Badge - 4 flags

Backpack "EXPRESS" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Backpack "EXPRESS" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Romanian - GOLD - Embroidery


Backpack "URBAN" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Backpack "URBAN" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Romanian - GOLD - Embroidery


Leather Belt - Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Leather Belt - Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Leather Belt - Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Leather Belt - Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Belt – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Belt – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Belt – St.George

Belt clip - Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Belt clip - Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Belt clip – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Belt clip – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Belt clip - St.George

Belt clip – St.George

Bottle opener - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Bottle opener - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Bottle opener - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Bottle opener - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Badge - Byzantine Coat of arms

Badge - Byzantine Coat of arms

Badge - Byzantine Coat of arms

Badge - Byzantine Coat of arms

Badge - Byzantine Coat of arms

Badge - Byzantine Coat of arms

Badge - Byzantine Coat of arms

Српски језик

У овој српској трилогији, првог светског рата. која садржи 2 диска, на, надамо се,
најбољи начин дочарава патњу, победе, јунаштво, поразе и губитке
српског народа и војске у периоду од 1914 - 1918. године.

Велика жеља аутора, за живота, је била да све српско пропаћено,
остане навек упамћено.

Badge - Constantine and Helen

Badge - Constantine and Helen





Wooden Cross





Cross small

Cross small

Cross small

Cross small

Cross small

Cross – Cherry tree

Cross – Walnut tree

Fleece vest "NORWAY" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Српски језик

Овај материјал који сачињава 7 DVD-a, 14 сати уникатног и аутентичног аудио и видео записа,
плод је четрдесетогодишњег ходочашћа по целој Светој Гори.
Седам седмица Васкршњег Поста, разговори са Игуманима, Старцима, Монасима...

Badge - Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Badge - Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Triptych Icon - Athonitisa

Triptych Icon - Blessed Matrona

Triptych - Gorgoepikos

Triptych Icon - Jesus Christ

Triptych Icon - Kazan

Triptych Icon - Maica Maica Tanguirea

Triptych Icon - Pantanassa

Triptych - Gorgoepikos

Triptych Icon - St.Andrew

Triptych Icon - St.George

Triptych - St. Nektarios

Triptych - Saint Nicholas

Triptych - St.Panteleimon

Triptych Icon - Saint Parascheva

Triptych Icon - The seven-pointed icon

Triptych Icon - Trojeručica

Triptych Icon - Umiljenije


Triptych icon - Valam

Last items in stock

Triptych Icon - Portaitisa

Incense box – Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Incense box – Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Incense box – Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Incense box – Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Incense box – Holy St. Mary Athonitisa

Incense box – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Incense box – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Incense box – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Incense box – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table ornaments – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Badge - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Badge - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table ornaments – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table ornaments – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table ornaments – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table ornaments – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Small Bag

Leather tube - Byzantine Coat of arms

Leather tube - Russian Coat of arms

Magnet - Athonitisa

Magnet – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Medal - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Badge - Monastery Iviron

Orthodox cross

Badge - Orthodoxy or Death

Pectoral cross

Pectoral cross

Pectoral cross

Pectoral cross

Pectoral cross

Pectoral cross

Pectoral cross

Pectoral cross



Plaque – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Plaque – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Plaque – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Plaque – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Plaque – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Plaque – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Badge - Russian Coat of arms

Badge - Russian Coat of arms

Badge - Russian Coat of arms

Badge - Russian Coat of arms

Badge - Russian Coat of arms

Badge - Russian Coat of arms

Badge - Russian Coat of arms

Shutter - Byzantine Coat of arms

Shutter - Jubilee 1000 years

Shutter - Jubilee 1000 years

Shutter - Russian Coat of arms

Skull cap "DAPHNE"

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Skull cap "ICXS-NIKA"

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Skull cap ""SERPICO 55" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Skull cap "STORM 862" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Spring Jacket "OXFORD" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Sweatshirt "KARYES" by KEYA

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Sweatshirt "SWC-280" by KEYA

Jubilee 1000 years - GOLD - Embroidery

1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Sweatshirt "SWC-280" by KEYA

Mount Athos - Romanian - GOLD - Embroidery

Table ornaments -  Počajevska

Table ornaments - Saint Parascheva

Table cross – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table cross – Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Table cross – Cherry tree

Table cross – Walnut tree

Table ornaments

Table ornaments – 4 flags

Table ornaments – 4 flags

The stopper for wine

The stopper for wine - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

The stopper for wine - Jubilee 1000 years
1000 Years of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos

Triptych - Gorgoepikos


Triptych - Kazan

Triptych - Kazan

Triptych - Maica Maica Tanguirea

Triptych - Portaitisa

Triptych Icon - Saint Parascheva

Triptych - St. Nektarios

Triptych - St.Panteleimon

Triptych - St.Panteleimon

Triptych Icon - Blessed Matrona

Triptych Icon - Pantanassa

Triptych Icon - St.Andrew


Triptych Icon - The seven-pointed icon

Triptych Icon - Trojeručica

Triptych Icon - Trojeručica

Triptych Icon - Umiljenije

Last items in stock

Vest "105" by JHK

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Vest "VIPER" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Vest "105" by JHK

Mount Athos - Romanian - GOLD - Embroidery


Vest-Reporter "108" by JHK

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


Vest-Reporter "108" by JHK

Orthodoxy or Death-Embroidery-greek language

Vest-Gileko "WILD" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery


 Serbian language

By: Dragoslav Batica Savic

247 pages

Све је заправо, почело године 1990 када сам, са благословом Велике Српске Царске Лавре,
манастира Хиландара, на Светој Гори Атонској, штампао књижицу под називом -
"Хиландарска трпеза, предања и обичаји".

Стигло је, затим писмо Оца Василија, у којем кратко каже:

Winter Jacket "ROBYN" by SOL's

Mount Athos - Greek - GOLD - Embroidery